That’s a Wrap…

That’s A Wrap…

League season number 25 is officially in the books. And what a year it was.

Usually this time of year, It is easy to be relieved that the season has come to an end, especially when you are coaching, or part of coaching three different teams. And while yes, I get a bit more worn down as the years go on, this is one year that I am very sad to see end.

For one, two teams are high school aged teams that I must bid farewell to for a couple of months.

Second, these three teams have been some of the most dedicated, passionate, and fun teams I have had the privilege of working with.


All three teams have played hard and laughed hard.

There have been some tough days, but mostly good days.

There have been some tough losses, and some great wins.

There have been some big wins, as well as some big losses.

And through it all they have managed to live up to our number one rule: show each other respect. They have done that and then some.

Like the time two opposing players battled for twenty plus yards only to end up on the turf, both getting up and high living each other for their effort.

They have provided some great highlights, great moments, and great memories for both coaches and parents.

Like the time they ignored me and giggled their way through one of my best training talks, because they were too busy enjoying the skateboarding bulldog behind me. And they didn’t even apologize for it. You don’t see that everyday, they reasoned. And they were right.

And the time on the bench when the opposing coach was very vocal and (over)coaching his teams’ every move, to which led to me commenting to my players, “I should probably be coaching more”. To which my player responded, “well, isn’t that kinda your job?”

Yes, yes it is.

To be honest, I’m not sure what my job is from time to time, but until I figure it out, I will enjoy the ride that these talented players put me on.

And yes, they have even inspired us.

One Grandma, going through some challenging health issues, told me that the 11 year-old team that her granddaughter plays on inspires her to get out of bed in the morning, and to the field on the weekends. Sorry Grandma, that may be the case, but it is you who inspires them.

And the rest of us.

Yes, 46 special young ladies have made this a very special season. One that I am sad to see end.

But perhaps the best moment came this past weekend. During a highly competitive semi-final game that went into the late afternoon and into near darkness, one player took a moment to turn to the bench and say, “look at the sunset. Someone take a picture.”

Ah, perspective.

That told me that if nothing else, they have learned that for the 90 minutes that they are on the field, soccer is the most important thing they will ever do. Once the game ends, it’s not even in the top five.

Indeed, they have learned to see the sun set.

Yes, I am sad to see it end.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to take a nap.

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